In the spirit of Studs Terkel’s Working, Bill Smoot’s Conversations with Great Teachers interviews master teachers in fields ranging from K–12 and higher education to the arts, trades and professions, sports, and politics. The result suggests a dinner party where the most fascinating teachers in America discuss their various styles as well as what makes their work meaningful to them. What is it that passes between the best teachers and their students to make learning happen? What are the keys to teaching the joys of literature, shooting a basketball, alligator wrestling, or how to survive one’s first year in the U.S. Congress? Smoot’s insightful questions elicit thought-provoking reflections about teaching as a calling and its aims, frustrations, and satisfactions.


“Smoot’s precise questions and thought-provoking follow-ups capture the essence of teaching from those who do it best.”
~ForeWord Reviews

“A lifetime achievement. It is clearly conceived and written by a dedicated teacher who expertly interviews great teachers. An inspiring work of art.”
~Susan Hoffman, Director, Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, University of California at Berkeley

“Within these pages is a vast treasure of teaching wisdom. A deeply thoughtful and inspiring book.”
~Robert Kunzman, Armstrong Chair for Teacher Education, Indiana University

Conversations with Great Teachers reads as a wonderful lesson from the heart about teaching, faith, humanity, and passion.
~Bodie Brizendine, Head, The Spence School, New York City

“Rich with passion, knowledge, and story, this engaging collection of interviews not only illustrates ways teachers become great; it conveys the energy and care they bring to their calling.”
~Sydney Lewis, oral historian and author (with Studs Terkel) of Touch and Go

“With Conversations with Great Teachers, Bill Smoot has accomplished something quite extraordinary… a must-read book for any teacher, regardless of the context in which you work. Highly recommended!”
~Grant P. Wiggins

“In times of world struggle and conflict, what could we possibly need more than wise teachers? Bill Smoot’s Conversations with Great Teachers is a labor of loving care and deep attention. A great gift for teachers and students everywhere and for the learning and hope which sustains us.”
~Naomi Shihab Nye, Poet, writer, and educator

Click here to read Indiana University Press interview with Bill Smoot about Conversations with Great Teachers. 

Click here to read Stephanie Salter’s piece on Conversations with Great Teachers.

Click here to view Bill Smoot interview on WGN TV.